Page 5 - 2024 June-July Newsletter
P. 5

Page 5                                                                Southern Pennsylvania District

                                       Southern PA District Congregations

            District Women’s  Camp, was held, June 3-4, 2024, Camp Eder, with Guest Speaker—Gretchen
                Sortzi.  We had 55 women attend camp to hear Gretchen’s message, “Finding the Light”.

             Pastors/Ministers are reminded to get any CEU’s earned to the District Office for your records
                          and for the Ministry Commission’s review prior to December 1, 2024.

             If you haven’t registered delegates for Annual Conference, please do so before the June 10th

            deadline.  If delegates are unable to register before June 10th, they can register onsite in Grand
                Rapids starting Tuesday, July 2, 3 PM in the Grand Gallery Concourse of the DeVos Place

                     Convention Center until 7 PM. Registration opens at 8AM, Wednesday, July 3.

                                MEAT CANNING 2024 HATCHED OUT SUCCESSFULLY!

               The 2024 District Meat Canning Project, accomplished in partnership with the Mid-Atlantic
          District took place April 1-4, 2024, at the Christian Aid Ministry facility in Ephrata, Lancaster Coun-
          ty.  With approximately 139 volunteers from both Mid-Atlantic and SOPA District
          Congregations, approximately 17,920 lbs of chicken was canned, resulting in over 9000 plus, twenty
          Oz cans.
               As in the past 46 years volunteers from both Districts have enjoyed community with one another
          knowing the time spent together on this mission project would be much similar to the statement in
          the bible about sharing a cup of cold water.  This year, as in past years, the canned meat has been

          divided three ways.  Both Districts receive 1/3 of the canned chicken to distribute within their
          Districts to agencies and to individuals to help with putting food on their table.  Also, this year a
          third of this canned project will make its way to the west coast where Gilbert Romero will be able
          to help those in neighboring areas who, many times, find themselves scavenging for food at the
          local dump.  Things we often take for granted.
               Distribution of SOPA District’s portion of canned chicken took place recently from the District
          Office.  Church representatives and agencies picked up their portion to be about ministry in their in-
          dividual neighborhoods.
               Thanks to all the congregations who gave both financially and as volunteers to make this
          project happen.  Thanks also to the District Witness Commission and its meat canning committee
          Members who gave of their time and energy to witness in this manner.

                    The Rooster has crowed in a positive way this day! ~ Georgia
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