Page 2 - 2024 June-July Newsletter
P. 2

Page 2                                                                Southern Pennsylvania District

                      Trusting God When You’re Trapped in Uncertainty, continued

               There is something in all of us that always wants clarity. It is part of our sinful ego and a common ex-
          pression of our insecurities. Clarity can become an idol that replaces authentic trust in God. In many ways,
          we would rather understand the details of the road ahead than rest in deep intimacy with the God who has
          promised to direct our steps. He has never promised to show us a detailed 10-year plan. Clarity can actually
          become spiritually counterproductive as it shortchanges trust, a life of faith, and moment-by-moment de-
          pendence on God.

               Scripture tells us, “Trust in Him at all times, you people; Pour out your heart before Him; God is a ref-
          uge for us” (Psalm 62:8). Yes, we must pour out our hearts and all they contain – praise, gratitude, worry,
          fear, doubt, and, yes, uncertainty. God is our in-the-moment refuge, but not always a divine GPS system,
          spouting the details of every turn we might encounter one year down the road. Thus, we must trust Him at
          ALL times. We should never assume a life of trust or take God’s refuge for granted.
                                                             Nicolas Wingert, District Nurture Commission

                                   GOD’S WISDOM as given to us in His WORD

               I appeal to you, dear brothers and sisters, by the authority of our Lord Jesus Christ, to live in
          harmony with each other. Let there be no divisions in the church. Rather, be of one mind, united
          in thought and purpose. I Corinthians 1:10

               Paul, surely must have misunderstood what God wanted in regard to the above comment he
          made in I Corinthians! As I have time to read some of our District Pastor’s comments to their con-
          gregations, there are certainly some articles which bear repeating and the following is one of
          those. It comes from The Faith Community of The Brethren Home congregation
          Pastor, Linda Titzell:

               A story is told of Tonto and the Lone Ranger riding through a
          canyon one afternoon. All of a sudden, they were surrounded by
          American Indian Warriors on horses, dressed for battle and shout-
          ing loudly. The Lone Ranger turned to Tonto and asked, “What are
          we going to do?” Tonto replied,
          “What do you mean “we” Kemosabe?”

               It’s amazing how when times get tough and we encounter
          adversity, one of the first things to be sacrificed is UNITY. And
          when we think about the challenges facing Christians today, many
          of these things are sadly dividing brothers and sisters in Christ,
          when we need to be united more than ever. Christian unity in the
          face of adversity is not some unattainable concept. In fact, when we as believers in Christ main-
          tain our commitment to the truth of Scripture and to the fellowship of the Spirit, unity just seems
          to happen. When challenges come, we as the body of Christ, must fact them together.

               So stay committed to biblical truth. Reaffirm your devotion to one another in the Spirit. When
          you make those things your priorities, adversity will bring you together instead of tearing you
          apart! Pray, asking God to help YOU stay committed to biblical truth and fellowship of the Sprit,
          so you stay unified with the body of Christ.

                                                                       In Christian love,
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