Page 4 - 2024 June-July Newsletter
P. 4

Page 4                                                                Southern Pennsylvania District

                        SOPA District Office

                             Mondays - Friday
                               Call for Hours
                      Office Phone: (717) 778-2264
              Georgia Markey,  Interim District Executive
                           Cell: (717) 887-3905
                          Office (717) 778-2254
                      Address: SOPA District COB
                        3375 Carlisle Rd, Suite A
                            Gardners, PA 17324


              These congregations are currently looking for pastoral or additional staff

                                                      Search Process
                                Gettysburg COB - Sr. Pastor (currently Utilizing Pulpit Fill)

              Mechanicsburg COB - Sr. Pastor (currently being served by Interim Pastor, James Benedict)

                           York Second COB—Pastor (currently being served by Lay Minister)

                SOPA District Office—District Executive (currently held by Interim DE, Georgia Markey)

                                    Pastoral Placement within Southern PA District

                      Waynesboro COB— called Interim Pastor, Andrew Paterno, as settled Pastor

                                   A SPECIAL WELCOME to Pastor Andrew Paterno!

                                               2024 District Directory UPDATE
             The District Directory is almost complete.  The office and District Executive Committee added some key infor-
            mation to the Directory this year.  We will have a new Directory to you this month!  Thank you for patiently wait-
                         ing as we’ve updated and diligently working on this project..  Thank you! ~ Georgia
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