Page 9 - 2024 June-July Newsletter
P. 9

Page 9                                                                 Southern Pennsylvania District
                               District Men’s Outdoorsman Day 2024
                                                 (Formerly Man2Man)

               On Saturday, April 6, 2024, Camp Eder and the SOPA Nurture Commission co-sponsored a new
          men’s ministry event, “Men’s Outdoorsman Day” at Camp Eder. Based on very positive
          conversations among the participants, there is strong interest in making this an annual event.
          For the past number of years, the SOPA Nurture Commission has sponsored an annual men’s
          ministry event called  Man2Man. Each year it was graciously hosted by the Mechanicsburg COB
          and  always  featured  a  delicious  hot  breakfast  and  several  inspirational  sessions  led  by  guest
          speakers on topics of interest to men. For many years it was well attended, but in recent years
          participation began to dwindle. The Nurture Commission decided to change the venue in an effort
          to spark some new interest.

               When the SOPA Nurture Commission approached Camp Eder to explore co-sponsoring a
          Men’s Outdoorsman Day the idea was met with enthusiasm from Mike Kovacs and Denny Turner.
          Planning began on an event that featured devotional inspiration, morning coffee & snacks, a clay
          pigeon shoot, a delicious hot lunch and fishing at Camp Eder’s lake. Camp staff led the way,
          engaging two great friends of Camp Eder, Nevin Funk and Matthew Ilko, to be our firearms
          experts to provide gun safety training and to guide the clay pigeon shoot. Nevin and Matthew,
          both seasoned firearms instructors, donated their services, greatly reducing the cost of the event.
          One individual purchased and donated a clay pigeon launcher to Camp Eder and others provided
          gift cards for door prizes. Camp Eder purchased clay pigeons and ammunition while the Nurture
          Commission provided for honorariums for the firearms instructors. Thanks to these generous
          donations, we were able to keep the registration costs to $40 per person to cover the cost of the
          food and ammunition. (The cost to participate in a clay pigeon shoot, would normally cost much
          more than this.)

               To start the day, a frequent volunteer at Camp Eder, known to campers as Coach K, shared an
          inspiring devotional time featuring “Putting on the Whole Armor of God” from Ephesians 6.  The
          spirit of the day was filled with enthusiasm, good fellowship, and relationship building. Just so you
          know, no live pigeons were harmed and all the fish caught were gently released back into the lake.

          Leon Yoder, District Board Chair, attendee, on behalf of SOPA Nurture Commission

                  ……….and Christ went off to a solitary place……….. Mark 1:35, Luke 5; 15-16 ; Mark 1:45
          Scripture tells us that in order to grow in our Faith, we need to be in contact with our maker….
                  we need to be in His Word….we need to  be in prayerful conversation with Him.
               As you will see the attached flyer, page 12, the Church Development & Revitalization Commission
          has been hosting quarterly Prayer and Praise times held at the Carlisle Church of the Brethren.   As
          the  CDR  Commission  developed  these  prayer  and  praise  gatherings,  they  started  out  with  a  good
          number of persons attending.  However, in recent times, the attendance has dwindled.  Consider this
          opportunity to pull away from the things and happenings around you on June 9  at 6:00 PM. and join
          sisters and brothers together as we focus for the evening time of prayer and praise.  We will focus on
          The Lord’s Prayer.
               ALSO put on your schedule, the date of September 8  for the Prayer and Praise event where the
          focus will be on the subject of:  “BRANDED for JESUS”.    What brand do you wear?  There is a west-
          ern program where all  the workers are branded.  There is also a song out that makes the statement:
          “I ride for the man with the Brand of the nail-scarred hands”.   Join this gathering of sisters and broth-
          ers  to evaluate what brand do you wear?   Then, also, to sing praises for  God and His desire for us to
          live like we are BRANDED for Jesus!  ~ Georgia
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