Page 8 - 2024 June-July Newsletter
P. 8

Page 8                                                                 Southern Pennsylvania District

                                  Women’s Spring Luncheon—2024

                Kirsten Keys was the key note speaker of the 2024 Women's Spring Luncheon
           hosted by the West Shore Church of the Brethren, co-pastored by Beth Nonemaker
           (pictured, left) and her husband Keith.  Seventy-five ladies were refreshed by an
           inspirational interactive pondering of Deuteronomy 6, :teach your children to love
           God”, and Matthew 11, “come to Me all you who are heavy laden and I will give
           you rest”.
                District Nurture Commission Chair, Ellen Yoder provided behind the scenes
           planning. A delicious ham dinner followed, thanks to Mary Hahn (District Nurture
           Commission) and her kitchen crew, which included her son Morgan Hahn
           Jr.  (District Stewards Commission), Keith Nonemaker (District Ministry Commis-
           sion), Earl Lego (member West Shore COB), Leon Yoder (District Board Chair), and
           John Shelly (District Ministry Commission), all stepped up to help when the caterers
           were unable to make it.
                  It was a wonderful event!  Thank you to all who attended!   Beth Nonemaker

                                              Morgan Hahn, Leon Yoder, John Shelly

                    Earl Lego                                                                   Leon Yoder
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