Page 3 - 2024 June-July Newsletter
P. 3

Page 3                                                                 Southern Pennsylvania District

                                    District Executive Search Committee Update

          In the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ - grace and peace upon you, the Southern District of Pennsylvania
          (SOPA) members of the Church of the Brethren.

          We are writing to provide an initial update on the Search Committee tasked with finding the next SOPA District Ex-
          ecutive(s) and share specific ways you can continue to support this critical work.

          First, we are grateful for the support and encouragement from the District as we undertake this critical responsibility.
          Your prayers, wisdom, and patience have been invaluable, and we are deeply thankful for your continued partnership
          during this process.

          In April, the Search Committee met for the first time to take care of some initial business, including selecting a Chair-
          person and Scribe, setting meeting dates, and meeting with the Director of the Church of the Brethren Office of Min-
          istry, Nancy Heishman. Sister Nancy explained the search process, provided materials, and answered many of the
          Search Committee's questions. Additionally, members of the District Executive Search Committee have been final-
          ized from the SOPA Executive Committee members and additional at-large members of the District. The individual
          members, including applicable roles, are:

                                Ian Irvin, chair                    Eric Reamer, scribe
                                Cindy Barclay                       Mary Hahn
                                John Hess                           Wynne Hoffacker
                                Ray Lehman                          Keith Nonemaker
                                Jeff Rider                          John Shelly
                                Harold Yeager                       Leon Yoder
                                Traci Rabenstein, consultant

         While we are at the beginning of this vital process, we recognize that finding the right candidate is a process that re-
         quires careful consideration and discernment. As such, if you are or know of anyone interested, please get in touch with
         Sister Nancy, Additionally, general questions, updates, or comments to the District Ex-
         ecutive Search Committee can come to me at Finally, we ask for your continued prayers as we
         move forward in the following ways:
         - Discernment: Please pray that God will grant us the wisdom and clarity of discernment as we evaluate candi-
         dates and discern His will for this District.
         - Unity: Please pray that the members of the Search Committee remain united in purpose and vision, seeking to
         make God's Kingdom more known to the world.
         - Open Hearts: Please pray that the Search Committee and candidates approach this process with open hearts,
         receptive to God's leading and direction.
         - God's Timing: Please pray that we all will trust and rely on God's perfect timing, knowing that He has already
         chosen the individual or individuals who will best serve this District.
         - Provision: Please pray that God would provide for the needs of the District and each congregation during this
         interim period.
         We remain confident that God is faithful and will lead us and our future District Executive(s) to one another.
         Thank you once again for your continued support, prayers, and encouragement. We trust that, together, we will discern
         God's will and move forward in faith and unity.
                                                           In Christ's love,
                                                           Ian Irvin, Chair,  District Executive Search Committee
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