Page 28 - Plan of Organization 2015-0919
P. 28

members shall be graduates of Elizabethtown College.  The eight (8) members from the Church
               of the  Brethren  shall  include at least two  (2) from the Atlantic  Northeast District of
               Pennsylvania, Church of the Brethren, and  at least two (2) from the Southern District of
               Pennsylvania, Church of the Brethren.  The President of Elizabethtown College, the General
               Secretary of the Church of the Brethren, and the District Executives of the Atlantic Northeast and
               Southern District of Pennsylvania, Church of the Brethren, shall be ex-officio members of the
               board of Trustees with voice, but no vote.  The term of Trustee shall be three (3) years.

                       The Board of Trustee members coming from the Southern PA District are appointed by
               the College Board of Trustees, after consultation with the Southern PA District Board.  There is
               no limit on term of office and the term runs concurrently with the College’s fiscal year (July 1 -
               June 30).

                              (e)      Pennsylvania Council of Churches.  Pennsylvania Council of Churches
               is a partnership of 43 Christian bodies in Pennsylvania.  The Council unites the churches in a
               wide range of ministries across the state, including The West Shore Trucker & Traveler Ministry,
               State Park Chaplains, Prison Ministry, Migrant Worker Ministry, and advocacy work at the State

                       A representative Governing Board governs the organization.  The District Executive, plus
               one person from the laity, (based on the numerical size of District membership), represents the
               Southern PA District.   The laity board member is nominated by the District Nominating  and
               Personnel Committee and  elected  by  District  Conference for a two-year term.   In addition,
               Southern PA District has, historically, had District Board appointed representatives on numerous
               Pennsylvania Council of Churches committees, action teams, and task forces, including Summer
               Chaplains for the campgrounds at Pinchot and Codorus State Parks.

                              (f)      The Brethren Home  Foundation.   Since the Church  of the Brethren’s
               German beginnings in 1708, the Church has sought to live out the values of community and
               service.  Seeing the church in terms of a family, the Brethren concerned themselves with caring
               for one another and for the wider family of God.  The Brethren who settled in  Southern
               Pennsylvania, saw a need to provide care and a home for aging persons.  In 1908, the Southern
               PA Brethren purchased a property in Huntsdale, Pennsylvania and The Brethren Home was born.
               Care  at this home in Huntsdale was provided for the  elderly  and the infirmed for forty-three
               years until the home was destroyed in 1951 by  a fire.  The Cross Keys property in Adams
               County was purchased and a new Brethren Home was fashioned out of a one-time farmhouse
               and hotel. The property has increased in size and levels of care provided as health care needs
               have changed over the years.

                       The Brethren Home Foundation is a Corporation organized on a non-stock basis with its
               members being all the members of the Church of the Brethren in good standing residing in the
               Southern District of Pennsylvania, Church of  the Brethren.  The voting members of the
               Corporation are the duly  elected delegates of the congregations of  the Southern District of
               Pennsylvania of the Church of the Brethren.  The Annual Corporation Meeting is held at the time
               of the District Conference.

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