
Prepared by Ronald Gordon ~ Church of the Brethren Network ~ © Copyright 1997 ~ Last Updated: August 31, 2023









July 2-6  2025 238 Greensboro, North Carolina (Dava Hensley) AC Logo
July 3-7  2024 237 Grand Rapids, Michigan Madalyn Metzger Welcome+Worthy AC Logo








Cincinnati: Duke Energy Convention Center 2023 236 Cincinnati, Ohio Tim McElwee Living God’s Love AC Logo
Omaha: CHI Convention Center 2022 235 Omaha, Nebraska David Sollenberger Embracing One Another, as Christ Embraces Us AC Logo
Virtual Image 2021 234 Virtual Conference Paul Mundey God’s Adventurous Future AC Logo
Grand Rapids: Convention Center 2020 234 Grand Rapids, Michigan Cancelled due to Covid-19 God’s Adventurous Future AC Logo
Greensboro: Convention Center 2019 233 Greensboro, North Carolina Donita Keister Proclaim Christ, Reclaim Passion AC Logo
Cincinnati: Duke Energy Convention Center 2018 232 Cincinnati, Ohio Samuel Sarpiya Living Parables AC Logo
Grand Rapids: Convention Center 2017 231 Grand Rapids, Michigan Carol Scheppard Risk Hope AC Logo
Greensboro: Convention Center 2016 230 Greensboro, North Carolina Andy Murray Carry the Light AC Logo
2015 - Puerto Rico recognized as the 24th District of the Church of the Brethren. It was formerly apart of the Atlantic-Southeast District.
Tampa: Convention Center 2015 229 Tampa, Florida David Steele Abide in My Love … and Bear Fruit AC Logo
Columbus: Convention Center 2014 228 Columbus, Ohio Nancy Heishman Live as Courageous Disciples AC Logo
Charlotte: Convention Center 2013 227 Charlotte, North Carolina Robert Krouse Move In Our Midst 2013 Logo
2012 - Delegates were seated at ‘round tables’ for business and discussion instead of long rows of connected chairs. Several polity changes resulted in: discontinuing the Committee on Interchurch Relations (a body founded in 1968 to foster conversation and cooperation with other denominations and religious traditions) and acceptance of a Revitalization Task Force recommendation that released Program & Arrangements Committee from a strict geographical rotation of locations (AC2007 Polity) in favor of a more fiscally sound approach to selection from a handful of States.
St. Louis: Convention Center 2012 226 St. Louis, Missouri Tim Harvey Continuing the Work of Jesus 2012 Logo
Grand Rapids: Convention Center 2011 225 Grand Rapids, Michigan Robert E. Alley Gifted with Promise:
Extending Jesus’ Table
2011 Logo
Pittsburgh: Convention Center 2010 224 Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Shawn Flory Replogle Taking Jesus Seriously 2010 Logo
2009 - General Board and Association of Brethren Caregivers merge to form Church of the Brethren, Inc. The new organization will be directed by a new Mission and Ministry Board which also absorbs the Annual Conference Council that was commissioned in 2001.
San Diego: Town & Country Resort 2009 223 San Diego, California David Shumate The Old Has Gone
The New Has Come
All This Is From God
2009 Logo
2008 - Church of the Brethren celebrates its 300th Anniversary at the Richmond Annual Conference from the time of its founding in 1708 when eight believers rebaptized themselves in the Eder River near the village of Schwarzenau, Germany.
Richmond Coliseum 2008 222 Richmond, Virginia James Beckwith Surrendered to God
Transformed in Christ
Empowered by the Spirit
2008 Logo
Cleveland Convention Center 2007 221 Cleveland, Ohio Belita Mitchel Proclaim the Power of God 2007 Logo
Veterans Auditorium 2006 220 Des Moines, Iowa Ronald Beachley Together: Exercise Daily in God 2006 Logo
2005 - Closed-Circuit Captioning instead of Sign Language first debuted in 2005 at Peoria. A court stenographer sat in a back room and returned voice input with digital that was then projected on the main screens. In a few years, voice was outsourced to a firm, perhaps in another state, that returned a digital stream to the Conference.
Peoria Civic Center 2005 219 Peoria, Illinois Jim Hardenbrook Fixing our eyes on Jesus 2005 Logo
Charleston Civic Center 2004 218 Charleston, West Virginia Christopher Bowman Loving God and Neighbor
heart, soul, mind, strength
2004 Logo
The University Pavillion 2003 217 Boise, Idaho Harriet Finney In Jesus' Name 2003 Logo
Louisville Convention Center 2002 216 Louisville, Kentucky Paul Grout Thy Kingdom Come
Take Hold of the Life
that is Really Life
2002 Logo
2001 - Annual Conference Council established at Baltimore to mitigate administrative and procedural conflicts arising from the General Board Redesign of 1997, and further serve to relieve delegate overburden by interpreting polity and resolving misunderstandings between reporting agencies. Includes current Officers, the past Moderator, another former Moderator, and one District Executive.
Baltimore Convention Center 2001 215 Baltimore, Maryland Phill Carlos Archbold Revive Us Again Logo
2000 - Delegates will adjust to a new schedule in Kansas City with worship beginning on Saturday evening followed by worship on Sunday morning with business sessions on Sunday afternoon and evening. The final worship service and business session will be Wednesday morning including Moderator consecration.
Bartle Hall 2000 214 Kansas City, Missouri Emily Mumma Love as I have Loved You Logo
Milwaukee Arena 1999 213 Milwaukee, Wisconsin Lowell Flory Let the Servant Church Arise Logo
Orlando Convention Center 1998 212 Orlando, Florida Elaine Sollenberger ...so that God
is not ashamed
to be called our God
1997 - General Board Redesign will become effective in January of 1998 after requesting approval from the 1997 Annual Conference at Long Beach. Congregational Life Teams will be formed to enhance communication and resourcing between the General Board, Districts and Congregations.
Long Beach Arena 1997 211 Long Beach, California David Wine Count Well the Cost Logo
Sabin Convention Center 1996 210 Cincinnati, Ohio H. Fred Bernhard ...as Christ Welcomed You Logo

Annual Conference 1996 in Cincinnati, Ohio, is the first Conference to be recognized on the Web and simultaneously updated through joint cooperation of Church of the Brethren Network and the News Service of the General Board. COB-NET preceded the official General Board web site by several years.

1995 209 Charlotte, North Carolina Judy Mills Reimer Claim Christ’s Call

1994 208 Wichita, Kansas Earl K. Ziegler Come! Drink the Living Water

1993 207 Indianapolis, Indiana Charles Boyer Proclaiming God’s Peace

1992 206 Richmond, Virginia Phyllis J. Carter Forward - Seeking the Mind of Christ

1991 205 Portland, Oregon Phillip C. Stone Behold!! The Wonder of God’s Presence

1990 204 Milwaukee, Wisconsin Curtis W. Dubble Living in Obedience to God’s Calling

1989 203 Orlando, Florida Elaine M. Sollenberger Living as God’s Friends

1988 202 St. Louis, Missouri William A. Hayes Called Into Shalom

1987 201 Cincinnati, Ohio Guy E. Wampler Anointed

1986 200 Norfolk, Virginia Donald F. Durnbaugh Go Forth in Faith

1985 199 Phoenix, Arizona James F. Myer Called to Make Disciples

1984 198 Carbondale, Illinois Paul Fike God’s Grace Renews & Empowers

1983 197 Baltimore, Maryland Paul W. Hoffman God’s Grace as a Gift

1982 196 Wichita, Kansas Earle W. Fike, Jr. Would That You Knew the Things
that Make for Peace

1981 195 Indianapolis, Indiana Duane H. Ramsey Go Now with God

1980 194 Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania William R. Eberly The Church Faithful

1979 193 Seattle, Washington Warren F. Groff Partakers of the Promise

1978 192 Indianapolis, Indiana Ira B. Peters The Spirit of the Lord is Upon Us

1977 191 Richmond, Virginia Charles M. Bieber To Serve in a Changing World

1976 190 Wichita, Kansas A. Blair Helman Set Free to Serve

1975 189 Dayton, Ohio Donald E. Rowe All Creation Awaits

1974 188 Roanoke, Virgina Wayne F. Geisert Let the Word Become Flesh

1973 187 Fresno, California Dean M. Miller Liberating the Word

1972 186 Cincinnati, Ohio Dale W. Brown Flamed By the Spirit

1971 185 St. Petersburg, Florida Harold Z. Bomberger The Celebration of Love

1970 184 Lincoln, Nebraska A.C. Bridenstine Celebration of Hope

1969 183 Louisville, Kentucky Morley J. Mays Faithfulness in Change
1968 - General Brotherhood Board (created in 1946) is reorganized in structure, function, staffing, and renamed General Board. Five commissions become three: Parish Ministries Commission, World Ministries Commission, and General services Commission. The new Board is composed of twenty-five members: fifteen elected from geographical areas (districts), ten elected at large, plus Annual Conference Moderator and Moderator-Elect as ex-officio members. See also 1997 Redesign - Annual Conference Minutes, 1968, p. 80, ff.

1968 182 Ocean Grove, New Jersey Guy West God Loves the World So, He Makes All Things New
1967 - The Elders' Council and the Elders, Pastors, and Moderators' council be discontinued, and that functions formerly carried by these councils shall become the responsibility of the district board and/or its commissions. ~ Annual Conference Minutes, 1967, p. 45.

1967 181 Eugene, Oregon Raymond R. Peters God Loves the World, So

Click to Enlarge 1966 180 Louisville, Kentucky Dan West God Loves the World, So
1965 - District Organizations and Relationships revised through a new constitution of ten articles and bylaws of ten articles to realign each district with more consistenty. District Boards will be composed of four Commissions: Nurture, Witness, Ministry, and Stewards. Included are changes to bylaws, the role of district conference, functions of the district board, responsibilities and qualifications of officers, function of committees, and staff employment. ~ Annual Conference Minutes, 1965, p. 17, ff.

1965 179 Ocean Grove, New Jersey A. Stauffer Curry To Heal the Broken, In Loving Obedience
1964 - Congregational Organization and Polity revised through a new constitution of ten articles which establishes a Church Board of three Commissions (Nurture, Witness, Stewards) with an Executive Committee, Congregational Business Meeting (formerly Council Meeting), and further defines membership, legal church officials, fiscal & church year, bylaws governing personnel selection and tenure, employed staff, and provisions for ammendments. ~ Annual Conference Minutes, 1964, p. 24, ff.
Click to Enlarge 1964 178 Lincoln, Nebraska De Witt L. Miller To Heal the Broken
Click to Enlarge 1963 177 Champaign-Urbana, Illinois Harry K. Zeller, Jr. To Heal the Broken
Click to Enlarge 1962 176 Ocean Grove, New Jersey Nevin H. Zuck Jesus Christ, The Light of the World
Click to Enlarge 1961 175 Long Beach, California Charles E. Zunkel My Calling to Fulfill

1960 174 Champaign-Urbana, Illinois Edward K. Ziegler My Calling to Fulfill

1959 173 Ocean Grove, New Jersey William M. Beahm Brethren Under the Lordship of Christ, The Time So Urgent
1958 - Church of the Brethren celebrates at the Des Moines Annual Conference, its 250th Anniversary from the time of its founding in 1708 when eight believers rebaptized themselves in the Eder River near the village of Schwarzenau, Germany.
Click to Enlarge 1958 172 Des Moines, Iowa D.W. Bittinger Brethren Under the Lordship of Christ
1957- 1,023 total delegate body total count exceeds "1,000" for the first time in the history of Annual Conference. This may have been due to the fact that the denominational total membership was near its highest, coupled with the location of Richmond being near to the geographical center of most Brethren. ~ Official Minutes
Click to Enlarge 1957 171 Richmond, Virginia A.C. Baugher Seek First His Kingdom
Click to Enlarge 1956 170 Eugene, Oregon Paul M. Robinson Seek First His Kingdom
Click to Enlarge 1955 169 Grand Rapids, Michigan A. Stauffer Curry Seek First His Kingdom

1954 168 Ocean Grove, New Jersey William M. Beahm Win Men to Christ

1953 167 Colorado Springs, Colorado V.F. Schwalm Win Men to Christ

1952 166 Richmond, Virginia Ralph Schlosser Teaching Them to Observe All Things

1951 165 San Jose, California D.W. Bittinger

1950 164 Grand Rapids, Michigan Harper Will (acting Moderator)

1949 163 Ocean Grove, New Jersey Paul H. Bowman

1948 162 Colorado Springs, Colorado Calvert N. Ellis

1947 161 Orlando, Florida Rufus D. Bowman
1946 - By far the most significant organizational development during this general time period was the growth of boards and committees. From these existing boards, Annual Conference created in 1946 a General Brotherhood Board of twenty-five members divided into five commissions: Foreign Missions, Ministry and Home Missions, Christian Education, Finance, and Christian Service (later Brethren Service Commission). ~ Brethren Encyclopedia

1946 160 Wenatchee, Washington Rufus Bucher

1945 159 North Manchester, Indiana Warren D. Bowman

1944 158 Huntingdon, Pennsylvania Charles C. Ellis

1943 157 McPherson, Kansas W.W. Peters

1942 156 Ashville, North Carolina Paul H. Bowman

1941 155 La Verne, California C. Ernest Davis

1940 154 Ocean Grove, New Jersey Rufus D. Bowman

1939 153 Anderson, Indiana D.W. Kurtz

1938 152 Lawrence, Kansas V.F. Schwalm

1937 151 Nampa, Idaho Paul H. Bowman

1936 150 Hershey, Pennsylvania D.W. Kurtz
1935 - ‘As the twentieth century progressed, Annual Meeting minutes proved to be less and less of an impediment for progressives, many of whom discovered they could simply ignore minutes that they viewed as peculiar or outdated. This was especially true after the 1911 dress decision abandoned the precedent of making plainness a test of membership. Reflecting this reality, a conservative brother remarked in 1920 that the mischief of the past fifty years had been ‘for churches to go ahead of Annual Conference,’ ignoring its decisions until the brotherhood faced a serious dilemma of how to handle those who were ‘out of order.’ The chronic solution, the brother commented, had been for conservatives to give ground: ‘We simply have submitted to those who were not loyal to the decisions of the church.’ Another echoed similar dissatisfaction with the fact that ‘many of our conference rulings have been lived down in practice before they were repealed by the Conference.’ ’ ~ Brethren Society, C. Bowman, p. 258.

1935 149 Winona Lake, Indiana Charles C. Ellis

1934 148 Ames, Iowa Otho Winger

1933 147 Hershey, Pennsylvania Charles D. Bonsack

1932 146 Anderson, Indiana D.W. Kurtz

1931 145 Colorado Springs, Colorado Otho Winger

1930 144 Hershey, Pennsylvania James Moore

1929 143 North Manchester, Indiana H.K. Ober

1928 142 La Verne, California Otho Winger

Click to Enlarge 1927 141 Hershey, Pennsylvania J.W. Lear

1926 140 Lincoln, Nebraska D.W. Kurtz

1925 139 Winona Lake, Indiana Otho Winger

1924 138 Hershey, Pennsylvania J.J. Yoder

1923 137 Calgary, Canada Otho Winter

1922 136 Winona Lake, Indiana I.W. Taylor

1921 135 Hershey, Pennsylvania Otho Winger

1920 134 Sedalia, Missouri I.W. Taylor

1919 133 Winona Lake, Indiana H.C. Early

1918 132 Hershey, Pennsylvania I.W. Taylor

1917 131 Wichita, Kansas H.C. Early

1916 130 Winona Lake, Indiana I.W. Taylor

1915 129 Hershey, Pennsylvania H.C. Early

1914 128 Seattle, Washington Frank Fisher

Click to Enlarge 1913 127 Winona Lake, Indiana D.M. Garver

1912 - The Church of the Brethren has preserved the general form and method of the Annual Meeting, known as Annual Conference since 1927, but has altered organizational procedural details to accommodate the changing nature of the denomination. Concerned about finding appropriate meeting sites for increasing number of Brethren, the 1912 meeting asked that future meetings be held on grounds dedicated to religious assemblies or in cities where auditoriums with good acoustics could be used. The frequent use between 1900 and 1970 of the Methodist ground at Ocean Grove, New Jersey, the interdenominational conference grounds at Winona Lake, Indiana, and facilities at Hershey, Pennsylvania, attests the strength of this conviction. ~ Brethren Encyclopedia

1912 126 York, Pennsylvania H.C. Early
1911 - ( Traditional plain clothing, known as the Garb, is no longer a test of membership ) ‘Elders were given the prerogative of determining, in conjunction with their local congregations, whether or not plainness would be a matter for church discipline. It is hard to say whether this report would have been adopted in 1911 had Annual Meeting convened in Ohio or Pennsylvania, but in Missouri, the balance of delegates tipped toward the progressive end of the spectrum. And tolerance held sway. Some viewed the following year as the true test of the new policy, for Annual Meeting traveled to York Pennsylvania, the heartland of Brethren traditionalism.

Predictably, queries came from the conservative districts of southern Ohio and eastern Pennsylvania, which appealed the ‘loose’ clauses of the 1911 decision. These revisions would reestablish the disciplinary authority that had been lacking for a year ... In York in 1912, a majority of the Annual meeting delegates voted to toughen the ‘toothless’ 1911 decision - to reestablish stricter enforcement of the order. However, the required two-thirds was not forthcoming. Thus, the watershed 1911 decision was left unaltered, never again to be seriously challenged.’ ~ Brethren Society, C. Bowman, p. 240, ff.

1911 125 St. Joseph, Missouri D.M. Garver

1910 124 Winona Lake, Indiana H.C. Early

1909 123 Harrisonburg, Virginia D.M. Garver

1908 - Church of the Brethren officially adopted as the new denominational label of the former German Baptism Brethren at it's bicentennial celebration on June 9 at the Des Moines, Iowa, Annual Conference. In the wake of the 1880 schism's of the progressive Brethren Church and the conservative Old German Baptist Brethren, this change now reflected the desire of the large central group to establish their own identity.
Click to Enlarge 1908 122 Des Moines, Iowa H.C. Early

1907 121 Los Angeles, California L.T. Holsinger

1906 120 Springfield, Illinois S.F. Sanger

1905 119 Bristol, Tennessee John Zuck

1904 118 Carthage, Missouri H.C. Early

1903 117 Bellefontaine, Ohio S.F. Sanger

1902 116 Harrisburg, Pennsylvania D.L. Miller

1901 115 Lincoln, Nebraska Daniel Vaniman

1900 114 North Manchester, Indiana D.L. Miller

1899 113 Roanoke, Virginia L.T. Holsinger

1898 112 Naperville, Illinois W.R. Deeter

1897 111 Frederick, Maryland L.W. Teeter

1896 110 Ottawa, Kansas D.E. Price

1895 109 Decatur, Illinois Enoch Eby

1894 108 Meyersdale, Pennsylvania Enoch Eby

1893 107 Muncie, Indiana D.E. Price

1892 106 Cedar Rapids, Iowa Daniel Vaniman

1891 105 Hagerstown, Maryland Daniel Vaniman

1890 104 Pertle Springs, Missouri Enoch Eby

1889 103 Harrisonburg, Virginia S.S. Mohler

1888 102 North Manchester, Indiana Enoch Eby

1887 101 Ottawa, Kansas Enoch Eby

1886 100 Pittsburg, Ohio D.E. Price

1885 99 Mexico, Pennsylvania John Wise

1884 98 Dayton, Ohio Enoch Eby

1883 - The Brethren Church is founded on June 6-7, in Dayton, Ohio, by Henry Holsinger and other Progressive sympathizers. Their official voice of publication The Progressive Christian is renamed Brethren Evangelist. ~ Brethren Timeline.

1883 97 Bismark Grove, Kansas Enoch Eby

1882 - Progressive leader Henry Holsinger, publisher of The Progressive Christian having been reprimanded by the 1882 Annual Meeting to refrain from ‘slanderous and schismatic articles’ is disfellowshiped from Annual Meeting. Old German Baptist Brethren held their first Annual Meeting near Brookville, Ohio, and established The Vindicator as their official voice of publication. ~ Brethren Timeline

1882 96 Arnold's, Kosciusko Co., Indiana Enoch Eby

1881 - Miami Valley Petition resubmitted by disappointed Old Order group ‘directly’ to Annual Meeting and was rejected because it did not first receive approval from the local district conference. Old Order group met in November and decided to break from the authority of Annual Meeting, calling themselves the Old German Baptist Brethren. ~ Brethren Timeline

1881 95 Ashland, Ohio Enoch Eby

1880 - Miami Valley Petition is submitted by Old Order group to Annual Meeting and is rejected by delegates who also decide to use majority rule at each yearly meeting instead of a consensus vote. This petition requested strict adherence to diminishing values that had formerly been a watermark of Brethren culture: simplicity, distinctive clothing, non-conformity with outside worldliness. Miami Valley Ohio elders further declared their unwillingness to accept additional progressive innovations. Petition was accepted by local district conference, however, Standing Committee entered a moderated ‘substitute’ petition to Annual Meeting that contained statements such as ‘while we are conservative we are also progressive’ that were entirely unacceptable to the Miami Valley elders. ~ Brethren Timeline

1880 94 Lanark, Illinois Enoch Eby
Annual Meetings before 1880 were devoted to doctrine and practice, particularly questions on baptism and discipline. During the mid-19th century, many queries appeared which questioned Brethren altitudes toward innovations of the day. Especially in questions of church life and ecclesiastical authority, Annual Meeting attempted to provide strong, but cautious leadership. ~ Brethren Encyclopedia

1879 93 Broadway, Virgina R.H. Miller

1878 92 North Manchester, Indiana Enoch Eby

Click to Enlarge 1877 91 New Enterprise, Pennsylvania D.P. Sayler

1876 90 De Graff, Logan Co., Ohio H.B. Davy

1875 89 Covington, Ohio H.B. Davy

1874 88 Macaoupin Co., Illinois H.B. Davy

1873 87 Meyersdale, Pennsylvania H.B. Davy

1872 86 Wayne Co., Ohio H.B. Davy

Denominational Name Change: Would it not be more consistent with the gospel for the brethren to adopt a definite name in writing letters of recommendations? Answer: We think it would be good to head all letters of recommendation as follows: "We, the German Baptist Brethren, send greeting." ~ See also 1836 - Annual Conference Minutes, 1871, Article 36 - BHLA

1871 85 Berks Co., Pennsylvania H.B. Davy

1870 84 Waterloo, Black Hawk Co., Iowa H.B. Davy

1869 83 Peters Creek, Virginia H.B. Davy

1868 82 Elkhart Co., Indiana H.B. Davy

1867 81 Pipe Creek, Maryland H.B. Davy

Click to Enlarge 1866 80 Antietam, Franklin Co., PA H.B. Davy

1865 79 Rock River, Lee Co., Illinois H.B. Davy

1864 78 Nettle Creek, Wayne Co., IN John Kline

1863 77 Clover Creek, Blair Co., PA John Kline

1862 76 Erbaugh, Montgomery Co., Ohio John Kline

1861 75 Beaver Creek, Rockingham Co., VA John Kline

1860 74 Limestone, Washington Co., PA D.P. Sayler

1859 73 Elk Creek, Somerset Co., PA D.P. Sayler

1858 72 Bachelor Run, Carroll Co., MD George Hoke

Click to Enlarge 1857 71 Manor, Washington Co., MD George Hoke

1856 - Delegates of Annual Meeting granted approval for the establishment of Districts that would be better able to serve and minister to the specific needs of congregations in their own geographical region.

1856 70 Waddams Grove, Stephenson Co., IL George Hoke

1855 69 Aughwick, Huntingdon Co., PA George Hoke

1854 68 Ashland Co., Ohio George Hoke

1853 67 Beaver Dam, Maryland George Hoke

1852 66 Turkey Creek, Elkhart Co., Indiana George Hoke

1851 65 New Hope, Augusta Co., Virgina George Hoke

1850 64 Bear Creek, Montgomery Co., Ohio George Hoke

1849 63 Somerset Co., Pennsylvania George Hoke

1848 62 Wayne Co., Ohio George Hoke

1847 61 Franklin Co., Pennsylvania ?

1846 60 Trout Creek, Lancaster Co., PA ?

1845 59 Roanoke, Virgina ?
Between 1844 and 1848 a small number of elders began to be chosen as members of a ‘general committee.’ This was a group of five to seven elders who received the queries in private and organized them, giving answers to some, returning others to the congregations, and submitting the rest to the meeting. A Standing Committee replaced the general committee in 1853. Their duties were further clarified in 1866. ~ Brethren Encyclopedia

1844 58 Conewago, Pennsylvania ?

1843 57 Mohican, Wayne Co., Ohio ?

1842 56 Beaver Dam, Maryland ?

1841 55 Somerset Co., Pennsylvania ?

1840 54 Morrison's Cove, Bedford Co., PA ?

1839 53 Huntingdon Co., Pennsylvania ?

1838 52 Washington Co., MD ?

1837 51 Linville Creek, Rockingham Co., VA ?

1836 - Denominational Name Change: What should be the name of our fraternity, when a title for a meeting-house is made and recorded in the public offices? Unanimously concluded to call ourselves the Fraternity of German Baptists. Note: There remains yet one congregation that still incorporates the name Fraternity in their title: Fraternity Church of the Brethren ~ See also 1871 - Annual Conference Minutes, 1836, Article 6 - BHLA

1836 50 Cumberland Co., Pennsylvania ?

1835 49 Cumberland Co., Pennsylvania ?

1834 48 Stark Co., Ohio ?

Click to Enlarge 1833 47 Lost Creek, Juniata Co., PA ?

1832 46 Rockingham Co., Virginia ?

1831 45 Conestoga, Pennsylvania ?

1830 44 Pipe Creek, Maryland ?

1829 43 George Royer's, Franklin Co., PA ?

1828 42 York Co., Pennsylvania ?

1827 41 Lancaster, Pennsylvania ?

1826 40 Richard's, Washington Co., MD ?

1825 39 Cumberland Co., Pennsylvania ?

1824 38 Cumberland Co., Pennsylvania ?

1822 37 Canton, Ohio ?

1821 36 Glade, Somerset Co., PA ?

1820 35 Conestoga, Pennsylvania ?

1819 34 Great Conewago, Pennsylvania ?

1818 33 ? ?

1817 32 ? ?

1815 31 White Oak, Pennsylvania John Zug

1814 30 Pipe Creek, Maryland ?

1813 29 Coventry, Pennsylvania ?

1812 28 ? ?

1811 27 Elk Lick Twp., Somerset Co., PA ?

1810 26 Antietam, Pennsylvania ?

1809 25 ? ?

1804 24 Pipe Creek, Maryland ?

1803 23 ? ?

1800 22 ? ?

1799 21 Pipe Creek, Maryland ?

1798 20 Little Conewago, Pennsylvania ?

1797 19 Blackwater, Virginia ?

1794 18 Shenandoah, Virginia ?

1793 17 Great Conewago, Pennsylvania ?

Click to Enlarge 1791 16 Germantown, Pennsylvania ?

1790 15 Coventry, Pennsylvania ?

1789 14 Great Conestoga, Pennsylvania ?

1788 13 Conestoga, Pennsylvania ?

1787 12 Pipe Creek, Maryland ?

1785 11 Big Conestoga, Pennsylvania ?

1783 10 Pipe Creek, Maryland ?

1782 9 ? ?

1781 8 Conestoga, Pennsylvania ?

1780 7 Conestoga, Pennsylvania ?

1779 6 Conewago, Pennsylvania ?

1778 - Minutes first recorded of an Annual Meeting at Pipe Creek in 1778. This signified a recognition that organization and details were important to what began as a single meeting to address a single issue.

1778 5 Pipe Creek, Maryland ?

1777 4 Conestoga, Pennsylvania ?
The time chosen for the meeting centered around Pentecost, although the arrangement of sessions varied. Before the 1830s, Brethren gathered on Friday morning before Pentecost Sunday. After a brief period of worship, the council or business meeting was conducted the rest of the day until all questions had been decided. Saturday was taken up in public worship with a love feast in the evening. After solemn worship on Sunday morning, the meeting was closed. This schedule held until 1847, when more time was reserved for business sessions. It was then decided to gather on Saturday before Pentecost and to spend that day and Sunday in worship. Love Feast was started on Monday morning and continued until all business was discharged. This arrangement held up to the 1880s. ~ Brethren Encyclopedia

1775 3 ? ?

1763 2 Conestoga, Pennsylvania ?

1742 1 Coventry (?), Pennsylvania Martin Urner

*** 1950 Annual Conference, Charles C. Ellis was the elected Moderator

See also:

‘They determined that Paul and Barnabas and certain other of them,
should go up to Jerusalem unto the apostles and elders (about this question).’
Acts 15:2

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