1998 Annual Conference Delegate Allocation in Orlando, Florida

Figures are recorded totals from the 1998 Annual Conference in Orlando, Florida which offers a representative sampling of earlier Conferences. The highest totals of any Annual Conference would be taken from the 2008 Conference in Richmond, Virginia, representing the 300th Anniversary of the original founding of the Brethren in 1708 at Schwarzenau, Germany. Other brethren denominations also participated in the 2008 meeting.

                     Congregations           Delegates       Standing Committee
                    Total    Present     Possible Present     Possible  Present

Atlantic NE            70         57          120     106            4        4
Atlantic SE            24         19           26      20            1        1   
Idaho                   6          4            7       5            1        1
Illinois/Wisconsin     45         21           54      30            2        2
Indiana Northern       51         40           63      50            2        2
Indiana South/Cen      54         33           64      41            2        2
Michigan               22         13           22      13            1        1
Mid-Atlantic           65         45           89      62            3        3
Missouri/Arkansas      23          8           23       8            1        1
Northern Plains        37         17           40      18            1        1
Ohio Northern          56         52           66      42            2        2
Ohio Southern          56         37           79      53            2        2
Oregon/Washington      17          6           18       7            1        1
Pacific Southwest      35         23           41      28            1        1
PA Middle              54         47           78      53            2        2
PA Southern            45         44           66      50            2        2
PA Western             70         41           89      55            3        3
Shenandoah             96         54          128      79            4        4
Southeastern           43          9           43       9            1        1
Southern Plains        14          4           14       4            1        1
Virlina                80         42          109      65            3        3
West Marva             66         23           73      27            2        2
Western Plains         44         46           50      25            1        1

                   ------     ------       ------  ------       ------   ------
                    1,073        685        1,362     850           43       43

             Attendance:    43   Standing Committee
                           850   Congregational Delegates
                         2,685   Non-Delegate Registrants
                         3,578   Total

                Dan Rensberger : Director of Delegate Registration
               Martha Plunkett : Director of Non-Delegate Registration
         Ray and Ellen Swihart : Registration Coordinators

           * 1998 Annual Conference Minutes, Brethren Press, p. 638.

        Minutes of Annual Conferences are available by writing to: 
         Annual Conference Office, 1451 Dundee Avenue, Elgin IL 60120

“They determined that Paul and Barnabas and certain other of them,
should go up to Jerusalem unto the apostles and elders (about this question).”
Acts 15:2