General Board Redesign Steering Committee
Survey 3
by Christopher Bowman
(General Board Chairperson during Redesign)
Survey 3 - Summary of Responses Here is a summary of responses for Survey #3 which asked questions concerning location of the General Board offices. The overall response to the third mailing was approximately 25 percent (115 of slightly over 400). This included a 29 percent return from pastors and laity on our mailing list, 36 percent of surveyed General Board members, and 18 percent of staff. With this set of questions, we were looking for your guidance in making recommendations about location. What follows is a summary of your responses. What can national staff do that local or district staffs cannot? Coordination of national programs -- Some of you expressed this idea in generalities while others mentioned specific programs, but it was the concept that was mentioned most frequently. Some specifics included National Youth Conference, Brethren Volunteer Service, curriculum, National Older Adult Conference, work camps, and many others. The overall idea is that national staff have the opportunity and ability to provide programs throughout the denomination that local churches can seldom offer on their own. This was the number one function mentioned by all three groups. Unifying the denomination -- This was an especially strong call from pastors and laity; enough so that it became second on the list overall. Respondents clearly want denominational links that connect us all, and they believe the General Board and staff are in a position to provide those links. Many respondents went further, mentioning specific tasks relating to communications and other programming. We find it significant that our respondents are supportive of the denomination and, at a deeper level, hunger for a sense of community. Ecumenical contact -- Contacts with other denominations, both nationally and globally, are clearly seen as the function of the General Board and staff. Many respondents noted that national staff members are in a position to have a broader, more global view than individual congregations. The hope was also expressed that this wider vision can be better incorporated at the local level. Mission -- Mission was identified as a General Board function with direction and support coming from the church at large as facilitated and empowered by General Board staff. Several respondents called for mission to be defined in a way that includes domestic programs, not just international programs. Ministerial issues -- Although not mentioned by either the staff or board, pastors and laity singled out national coordination as important in this area. Coordination of pastoral profiles, credentialing, and pastoral ethics were some of the specifics mentioned under this heading by 4 percent of the respondents in this category. Should the denomination have a single office or multiple locations, and where should the office(s) be located? Centralization versus regionalization -- There was an interesting difference of opinion concerning highly centralized offices versus regionalization. Responses were evenly divided between these two options. Of those who support regionalization, nearly all favor a central, but smaller, national headquarters that is identifiable as a home base. A few people also listed pros and cons for each idea without coming to a conclusion. Favored locations -- Overall, the Midwest was identified most often by our respondents (37) as the favored region for a national headquarters, regardless of whether it is part of a centralized or regionalized structure. Six people (including four staff members) suggested Elgin is the best location. Another 31 respondents, including seven who reside east of Ohio, mentioned a number of potential sites including Indianapolis, Dayton, St. Louis, Cincinnati, and Kansas City. The East was identified by 32 respondents as the best site for denominational offices, including 24 who specified New Windsor. Twenty-seven of those 32 people reside east of Ohio, including 13 staff based at New Windsor. Four respondents expressed the desire that there be no changes made, and three suggested they did not have enough information about costs and other factors to express an informed opinion Where you live makes a difference -- Where a respondent lives often has a great deal to do with where you think the denominational headquarters should be located. In general, our responses show that those who live east of Ohio were more likely to believe the denomination's offices should be located in their area. While there was a similar identifiable pattern in other responses, those from other regions of the country (Ohio and west) were less likely than their Eastern brothers and sisters to indicate the offices should be located in their regions. The same pattern was true of the staff. Those who work at New Windsor were almost unanimous that the entire denominational staff should be based there. Many of those who are based in Elgin also support their home base as the ideal site. However, Elgin staff members were more likely to consider other locations and staffing patterns. Among those who support a move east of Ohio, about a third indicated concern over what such a move would mean psychologically to those who live farther west. This was born out by comments from their brothers and sisters who reside west of the Mississippi that such a move would increase their feelings of isolation. Washington office -- One other interesting result was a dichotomy of opinion about the future of the office in Washington, D.C. An equal number of people expressed strong opinions that this office should either continue or be closed (five in each camp). What issues are most important in making decisions about location? Cost -- By far the most frequently mentioned factor was cost. This included the cost of operating facilities, the cost of any potential relocation, and the cost of living in the area where the offices are located. This was such an important issue that it was mentioned by more than 40 percent of our respondents -- far outdistancing any other factor. It also cut evenly across all opinions about location. Those who favor centralization believe it will be less expensive than having multiple offices, while those who support regionalization believe it would reduce overall travel costs and allow staff to live in less expensive areas. Accessibility -- Denominational staff should have easy ways to get to congregations. Nearly 25 percent indicated a critical factor is access to excellent transportation -- both by road and by air. Population center -- A close corollary to accessibility is locating the offices in proximity to the population center of the church (i.e., toward the East). However, several of the 20 percent who named this as a factor acknowledged that such a move might speak negatively to those who reside in the West. Relate to all -- Following immediately on the factor above was the sentiment that the location should be in a place that can speak to all parts of the church -- a bridge between East and West. There is great concern that moving the denominational offices to the East will be a move toward making the Church of the Brethren a regional sect instead of a national or global denomination. Other -- A few other factors were suggested by a handful of respondents. They include proximity to Bethany Theological Seminary, the impact on staff, and accessibility to communications technology. SEB |