Church of the Brethren Logo

Continuing the work of Jesus

Peacefully ~ Simply ~ Together

Free Spring Church of the Brethren

670 Free Spring Church Road, Mifflintown (Van Wert), PA 17059

“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations” Matthew 28:19


2024 Time & Talent Survey

The church is made up of people of different ages, different interests, with a variety of gifts, talents, and skill-sets. As disciples of Christ, we are all called to serve. Let us be obedient to our calling and share our gifts with others, those within our congregation as well as those in the wider community. Please take a few minutes and prayerfully indicate the ways in which you would be willing to serve our Lord.

Please carefully review your preferences before submitting the survey. Also make sure your email address is current with spelling and case sensitivity. No part of this survey will remain online. Your survey is confidentially emailed to this Commission chairperson who will also provide you with additional information. Plus, a copy of your selections will immediately be emailed to you.


Required before Submitting


Required & correctly formatted before Submitting

I am willing to ...

  1.   Coordinate the Adopt-A-Month for Child Evangelism Fellowship (individual families make a personal contribution during the month they are given).
  2.   Be called for a Disaster Ministry Relief project.
  3.   Help with a service project at a women’s shelter or homeless shelter.
  4.   Be on a team to do or help coordinate small home improvement projects for local persons in need.
  5.   Promote the 2¢ Club Offerings.
  6.   Help deliver collected items to the Food Pantry.
  7.   Serve as our Camp Eder representative.
  8.   Share in services at the local nursing homes as:
     Speaker  Worship Leader  Pianist  Music
  9.   Help prepare desserts for Meals-on-Wheels (once a month / August-January).
  10.   Take the Meals-on-Wheels desserts to Mifflintown.
  11.   Help with Meat Canning in Mifflin County.
  12.   Go to New Windsor to work in material handling (sitting jobs available, too).
  13.   Organize and set up a display for Compassion Sunday.
  14.   Be on the "trash team" for Adopt-A-Highway Pick-up on:
     Saturday Mornings  Weeknight Evenings
  15.   Volunteer to work at the Food Pantry during our church's designated month.
  16.   Coordinate Relay-for-Life.
  17.   Be on the Relay-for-Life Team (American Cancer Society Walk).
  18.   Help with the annual Chicken BBQ.
  19.   Coordinate the Heartbeat Baby Bottle Collection in July.
  20.   Help with the Community Fellowship Night in the following ways:
     Invitations  Food  Games
  21.   Serve as Disaster Relief Auction contact person.
  22.   Walk in the CROP Walk in October (for World Hunger).
  23.   Be our church representative for CROP Walk.
  24.   Coordinate the Samaritan’s Purse Shoe Box project.
  25.   Help with candy making in November and April.
  26.   Help make cookies for the Truckstop Ministry in December.
  27.   Serve as Truckstop Ministry contact person.
  28.   Help update the church Facebook page.
  29.   Participate in the following program(s):
     Divorce Care  Grief Share
  30.   Deliver items to Bethesda Mission.
  31.   Deliver used Sunday School materials and devotions to Harrisburg.

Thoughts & Suggestions:

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( requires about five seconds )


“Seek the Lord while He may be found, call you upon Him while He is near.”

Isaih 55:6
